Baby "ththth"

Baby "ththth"
Originally uploaded by Maynor.

Last summer, after much discussion and deliberation with Brian, we finally figured out that B had a special name for his pigs--"Ththth." Well, this summer, after I returned from California in June, I was surprised to hear that "ththth" had become "Gee." Now, you need to know that we are super original in our family when it comes to naming our special stuffed animals. When M was little and had attached himself to his tiger, Brian immediately named the little ball of material, Tiger. And when B attached himself to his little pig, it was obvious the little tyke was to be named Piggy. Now M called Tiger "Dido" for quite awhile until one day he became Tiger. Oh, what a sad day that was! It looks as though I must grieve again.


Anonymous said…
We miss ththth!!
Love, Aunt Nealy and Uncle Stephen
Anonymous said…
Isn't he the cutest?

Anonymous said…
Isn't he the cutest!

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