Add to the Beauty

In any crisis, we may ask, "Why?" As rational humans, we crave the why because it helps make sense of our world, the reasons, even the chance to possibly predict the outcome and to maintain control of the crisis. And though I don't have any definitive answers, what I do have is a reflective experience. For the most part, the why may or may not be answered in this lifetime. However, what I have discovered is the pause to stop in the midst and catapult oneself to 30,000 feet, alleviating the intensity to let God show you a glimpse of what He is doing. There is always a purpose, great purpose, divine purpose. I confidently say that because I see His blessings and hand everywhere. In how my community adds to the beauty of God's story for my life. In rich conversations. In messages. In people's generous hearts as they dig deep within themselves and ask, "what can I do to help?"

My forever friend Kristen, since we were 15 years old, who has walked with me in my brokenness as a young adult, in losing my father and first husband way too early in life and walks with me now, sends me a worship song every day. First thing in the morning, she listens to Pandora praise music, opening her heart and mind to what song God would want for me that day. And so far, He has led her to send me the perfect song, adding to the beauty of my story.

Though we may never know the why, we can add to the beauty of someone's story unfolding.

She sent this one to me yesterday as I commenced my chemo journey. Listen if you have a moment, it just may fill your soul. 

Slow down, take time

Breath in He said

He'd reveal what's to come

The thoughts in His mind

Always higher than mine
He'll reveal all to come
Take courage my heart

Stay steadfast my soul

He's in the waiting

He's in the waiting

Hold onto your hope
As your triumph unfolds
He's never failing
He's never failing
Sing praise my soul

Find strength in joy

Let His Words lead you on

Do not forget

His great faithfulness
He'll finish all He's begun
So take courage my heart

Stay steadfast my soul

He's in the waiting

He's in the waiting

Hold onto your hope
As your triumph unfolds
He's never failing
He's never failing
Take courage my heart

Stay steadfast my soul

He's in the waiting

He's in the waiting

Hold onto your hope
As your triumph unfolds
He's never failing
He's never failing
And You


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