A song

Today on the way home from Thanksgiving dinner, M composed a song that went something like this...

Jesus, my daddy is in heaven with you.

I'm going to heaven, but not yet.

Jesus, me, me, me, me, me, Jesususususus.

Later that evening, I broke out into song and B looked at me and said, "No." I then chose a different song, and he responded with another, "No." I asked, "you don't want momma to sing?" B emphatically answered "No." I guess he prefers his brother's singing.


Anonymous said…
Susan - You and the children have been in my thoughts and prayers. I am Brian's first cousin and we had some wonderful emails between us after he was diagosed and I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I am just sad I didn't get to come to the funeral or more importantly seen him before his homecoming. But I realize that would have been more for me! I know you already know the peace that God gives but that is my prayer for you now. I know how much Brian loved you and his family which is so evident by his blog! What a great gift. I would love to get to meet you if you are ever in Memphis. (or if I am in St. Louis!) Just know that you are constantly in my prayers and I am so thanful that Brain met you! Please give the other Maynor boys a big hug from their cousin Wendy! Love, Wendy

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