Mommy Prayer #1

I've decided it might be time to post the mommy prayers I elicit most days.  And then some nights.  And, well, then some mornings because my prayers are never ceasing.  For survival.

Dear God,

Thank you for valentines.  Not that I really love Valentine's Day, but I love that my boys love Valentine's Day. Create. Plan. Execute.  What more could a mommy ask for?  Well, maybe a dozen roses....or a night off...or a bottle of my favorite wine...or a pedicure...but really, a create/plan/execute is far more beautiful and keepsakeish than any wine/pedicure/roses.

Thank you for little boys. They are just perfect---in their puppy love, playful-wrestle sort of way. They love deeply.  And passionately.  Give me patience...and wisdom as I love these puppies to adulthood.  Or at least until they are able to feed and clothe themselves.  Please give me insight into their characters....into their passions and desires and motivations. May I please have that extrasensory spidey sense that allows me to be one step ahead and filled with perseverance and longsuffering when things...well...don't go as planned...or not planned.  In any case, give me all that I need for my little guys.  Why?  Because they are vibrantly, intricately, and perfectly Yours.

Thank you. I love you. I'm all yours.


christan perona said…
I love this.


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