The McMaynor Summer of Reading Plan

It's time to start blogging again. It has a been crazy, crazy year with summer now upon us, and I'm excited to be with my family. Ice tea and gardening. Family projects and travels. Movies and books. And so many stories already. At some point at the inception of summer break, Max and Todd had an interesting interchange that has evolved into a family summer reading challenge.

Max, an avid reader, says to Todd, rather randomly: You know how you say you don't read very much, Dad? 
Todd: Um, yes?
Max: Well, maybe you should read more. I challenge you to read ten books this summer. If you read ten, I will pay you a reward.

Max is so much like Brian! We can lose him for hours, only to find him either with his head buried in an engaging book or in a delicious game of Minecraft. This challenge sparked quite the conversation, and it evolved into all four of us planning to read ten books this summer. In partners (Max-Todd, Briggs-Susan), we decided each will choose five books for our own and then five books for our partner. I decided to take advantage of this awesome challenge and work with both my boys on writing book reviews.

So our summer of reading has begun....enjoy the reviews. And stay tuned for more.

Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick
By Briggs Maynor

I read the book Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick. He also wrote The Invention of Hugo Cabaret, which I read earlier this year. Wonderstuck is about a boy named Ben Wilson, who was born deaf in one ear and lived with his aunt and uncle in Gunflint Lake, Minnesota. Ben really wants to find his dad and goes on this journey to try and find him. He sets out by himself and then he finds his grandparents and they help him. His grandmother tells him the story of the life of the father. This book actually tells two stories, one in words and one in pictures. I liked this book and would recommend it because it has a lot of adventure and has two stories in it.

The Familiars by Adam Jay Epstein and Andrew Jacobson
By Briggs Maynor

I just finished this book called The Familiars by Adam Jay Epstein and Andrew Jacobson. The Familiars are animals who have special powers. This book is about Skylar, a bird who has the power to make illusions, a cat called Aldwyn who has the power of telekinesis, and a frog named Gilbert who has the power to see the future when he is looking into puddles. The main story revolves around these animals trying to save their Loyals, who are children in magic training. I am usually not a big reader, but this book was really good. It made me read nonstop, as much as I could, because it was so exciting. I recommend this book because it has magic, and it has a lot of adventure.


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