Dinner Design

Food is a big deal in our house. When my peeps were little and I was all on my own, I swore I would not feed them Mac-n-Cheese nor Chicken Nuggets every night. Yes, that was mostly motivated by pride, but still, I wanted them to have as much a normal life with one parent as I could provide. If Brian had been around, we would not be having Mac-n-Cheese nor Chicken Nuggets every night, so I was going to try my best to be more creative.  I mean, sometimes it was insane---trying to keep the peace between two toddlers, while trying to prepare something remotely nutritious, while trying not to make the biggest mess (knowing it was me to do the dishes later), while trying to not be bitter and mad and all about me that I was doing this alone.  Good thing God is in the business of being present in our lives. He was quite helpful on many occasions. All three of us made it through those first years eating broccoli, salad, pasta, frittatas, even lentils. To this day, my heart leaps when I get a request for "that spicy sauce for coconut rice."

Not long ago, the boys and I decided that everyone in our family should design the dinner menu at least one night a week. Thoughtful choices. Creativity. Responsibility.  I'm attempting to cultivate these skills in my boys, as I realize if I rely too heavily on God bringing them the superwoman wife, I may be disappointed.  Besides, a man that cooks and cleans??  Oh la la.

I asked both of them, and without much hesitation, this is what they "designed":

"Pasta with raspberry balsamic vinegar and lemon olive oil with that shredded white cheddar stout cheese we had the other day."

"I would like a filet of fish with strips of red onions and lettuce on a bun with a side of blueberries."

I just love my boys.


Melanie said…
Fun! We are working on similar things here. Love it!
Anonymous said…
I was always so impressed with those early meals you prepared for those boys! You helped me to be bolder with my young kids and their palates!

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