
Dinner Design

Food is a big deal in our house. When my peeps were little and I was all on my own, I swore I would not feed them Mac-n-Cheese nor Chicken Nuggets every night. Yes, that was mostly motivated by pride, but still, I wanted them to have as much a normal life with one parent as I could provide. If Brian had been around, we would not be having Mac-n-Cheese nor Chicken Nuggets every night, so I was going to try my best to be more creative.  I mean, sometimes it was insane---trying to keep the peace between two toddlers, while trying to prepare something remotely nutritious, while trying not to make the biggest mess (knowing it was me to do the dishes later), while trying to not be bitter and mad and all about me that I was doing this alone.  Good thing God is in the business of being present in our lives. He was quite helpful on many occasions. All three of us made it through those first years eating broccoli, salad, pasta, frittatas, even lentils. To this day, my heart leaps when I get a re

Some Parenting(ish) Thoughts

This is something different for me. I'm not really sure I've ever written about parenting, but....I had some thoughts and, well, here they are. I have followed and read Howard Gardner's work since the early days of my teaching and parenting career.   Gardner is best known for his research and work with the multiple intelligences , a philosophy of thought that has come into mainstream education, most especially with the explosion of tech tools.   As a parent, I've often reflected on my learned (and practiced) teaching philosophies and attempted to integrate them into the great calling of raising boys. I'm wonderfully blessed with a creative visual-spatial learner and a vibrant verbal-linguistic learner. Yes, we build and chat and build and chat and build and chat. In his book 5 Minds for the Future: Cultivating Thinking Skills , Gardner reflects on our new society: “…We must immediately expand our vision beyond standard educational institutions. In our cultures of

Blessings...Mercies...and Thankfulness.

Yes, I'm thankful. For my Savior. For my husband. For my children. For my sanity, on most days. For my new (old) mid-century modern sofa and chair. For my friends, both new and for always. For my brother. For TJ's dark chocolate almonds.  And for those moments when I experience His acute presence in my life.  Today, in the crisp light of the morning, a long ago friend from college entered the pearly gates of Heaven. His wife and children and parents, all by his side.   And I'm thankful.  Thankful that today there is a celebration in Heaven.  Thankful that today my sweet friend and her children will experience love from so many.  Thankful that though the days ahead will be filled with sorrow and grief, it will be showered by blessings.   And as I approach this Thanksgiving holiday, I'm thankful for my sufferings. For my teardrops. For my uncomfortable moments. For my grief. It is in those that I often experience His great presence.  And it is in those that

"I Do."

Last weekend, my sweet cousin got married. She was born when I was 20 years old and I have so many fond memories of her being the adorable, sassy sunshine of the family.  She married her love, they've bought a house together, and she's planning on starting grad school in the spring. All in her first year of marriage. The adventure begins. This reminded me so much of another life I once led--before babies, before cancer, before widowhood, before falling in love again.  My first year of marriage to Brian. What an amazing growing experience. On our first anniversary---the paper anniversary---Brian presented me with the most priceless gift a young wife could want. No, it wasn't a blank check to go on a trip or a shopping spree. Or blueprints for a new house. Or really anything that resembled something tangible. Instead, it was a beautiful expression of grace penned from his own hand. He had written an article on marriage.  And he had been published in the St. Louis Post-Dispat

To Be All In

Consumer or Follower?  I don't think I've ever used those two words together in a sentence.  Yes, we have the producer/consumer food chain lessons in third grade....and fourth....and seventh....and in biology.  And then we hear the leader/follower lessons in youth group and even from our parents.  "Be a leader, not a follower."  But never really together. Until a few days ago. And now I can't seem to get them out of my head. "Are you a consumer of Christ or a follower of Christ?"  The question fell heavily into the middle of my small group the other night. I glanced around the room, wondering how others would respond.  Dancing awkwardly in my head were the words, "follower, of course." I mean, my story. My life. My blessings.  Of course, I'm a follower of Christ.  I'm not *that* selfish to think I just consume Christ. Right?  Right. Yeah, right. The online dictionary defines a consumer as one that consumes, especially one tha

Pumpkin Pie Pancakes

I'm a bad mom. I mean, I would never intentionally do anything to harm my children, unless, maybe, it had to do with Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses. I blame my friend Susie for introducing me to these fabulous flavor explosions. Early fall has arrived. A slight chill is in the air (at least at midnight there is), the trees are beginning to show their true colors, and pumpkin spice lattes (or martinis, if you prefer) have made their grande entrance. This year, I have Pinterest.  Oh, my. I'm a little ridiculous. My board aptly named, autumnal pleasures (notice the lower case on both--not grammatically correct by any means, but has an essence of coolness to it--I'm attempting--now that I'm, well, not young anymore) shouts of pumpkin breads, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin sauces, and plenty of pumpkin sweets, mixed and matched with the various spices of the season. So what does one do when the evening storm dances in the sky, Daddy is working late, and I'm exhausted from s

Green Tomato Salsa Verde

When I moved to KC this summer, I inherited a garden full of tomato plants. In their gorgeous state of rosy red, I picked them straight from the vine, sliced them for sandwiches, diced them for salsa and roasted them for marinara. But...the days of rosy red have gone to rest, and now I have vines teeming with firm green tomatoes. Okay, what? I did not grow up on a farm nor am I that great at tending a garden, so at first glance, I thought, "Bummer. All those tomatoes going to waste." Yeah, well, I was wrong. After a few clicks and searches, I soon learned that September is not only famous for apples and colorful leaves, but it celebrates the approach of autumn with lots of green tomatoes. I had no interest in frying them, as that is the only thing I knew to do with them. And that was solely based on the fact that I watched the movie many, many years ago. But I love, love, love salsa verde. Like really love. Like if it came in a can, I might just pop it ope