Birthday Surprise

The past few weeks, I've had the absolute pleasure of editing my son's fifth grade recognition video. We were brand new to this school last year, and it hasn't been the easiest year of our lives. Adjustments, navigating through change, making new friends--it can be taxing, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. We've grieved being away from "home" and our community in St. Louis. We've reminded ourselves over and over again of God's calling on our lives, that He wants us here, and we are to be faithful to His calling. Like Isaac. Like Abraham. Like all those before us who stepped out in faith, even when it didn't make sense to anyone except God. Being the new kid myself at the school, I had no idea who was in charge of what, and somehow, because God truly does know our hearts, the whole video landed right in my lap.

As I've edited this week, watching baby pictures morph into school pictures and listening to beautiful songs about dreaming big and being in the hall of fame, I'm reminded of how amazing it is to be a mom, to walk alongside my children as they grow and experience this broken world. I don't know many of the kids in the 5th grade this year. I don't know too many of the families. And we don't have memories from parties, projects, and field trips. But, we all have one thing in common--our love for our children. We passionately love who they are now and who they are becoming.

I'm so blessed to be the mother of Max and Briggs. I can only imagine God, in His glory as He planned the world, designing our little family and the story that is ours.  My guess it was a creative, colorful mess of a design!

Today is my birthday, and my two not-so-little boys surprised me at 5:30 and "kidnapped" me to take me to breakfast. A few days before, Todd and the boys had gone to Panera and bought a gift card with just enough money to take us all out to breakfast. The boys insisted they wanted to "pay" for breakfast. Max predicted and calculated what everyone would order and the cost. Briggs picked out the card, and Todd tended to all the details of the morning.

Yep, kind of makes my heart melt (even at 5:30 a.m.)!

Thank you, dudes. I love you like a circle!


Unknown said…
Have a fantastic birthday Susan. Looks like it is already off to a tremendous start!

God bless!

Jon Boba

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