Fav Quotes of the Week
As we were looking at lamps in Home Goods, Max said, "Mommy, you are not a fancy kind of girl. You are a normal girl, and I like that."
Briggs, as he is telling us his bad dream: "So the bad guy came and took Squishy from me and it was terrible. Then I put my mind on pause....." (Oh, how I wish I could put my mind on pause!)
After Briggs was diagnosed with strep throat and told to not kiss or get too close to his brother: "Mommy, when can I go near anyone I love? It is hard not to get close to you and Max and Daddy."
Max to Daddy: "You look like a real dad."
Briggs, as he is telling us his bad dream: "So the bad guy came and took Squishy from me and it was terrible. Then I put my mind on pause....." (Oh, how I wish I could put my mind on pause!)
After Briggs was diagnosed with strep throat and told to not kiss or get too close to his brother: "Mommy, when can I go near anyone I love? It is hard not to get close to you and Max and Daddy."
Max to Daddy: "You look like a real dad."