Defying Gravity....oh, and a little Veteran Avenue

Two weeks after my first husband entered the gates of heaven, I fell in love with Elphaba.  I didn't mean to--especially after everything I'd been through--but it was hard not to be infatuated with the green-skinned beauty who--well--defied gravity.  For many, many years--I would spend at least six Sunday nights a year with my BFF from high school seeing some of the greatest (and not so greatest) shows in history at the Fox Theatre--Jekyll and Hyde, Bring on Da Noise, Bring on Da Funk, Footloose, Fosse--too many to count and then there was Wicked. After every show, I would call Brian on the way home and talk him through all the amazing (or not so amazing) points of the show, even so much as acting out my favorite part when I walked in the door at 10:30 p.m.  So it was a little bit off-setting when--on a late November evening--I didn't have anyone to call after I had encountered my soul sister.  My loving and most gentle little brother was the recipient of my phone call--and graciously, he listened as I oohed and aahed over the great moment I'd just experienced.  Thank you, my sweet brother, you have no idea....

So I quote:

Something has changed within me; Something is not the same 
I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing; Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts; Close my eyes: and leap! 

And if you care to find me--Look to the western sky! 
As someone told me lately:  "Ev'ryone deserves the chance to fly!"
And if I'm flying solo--at least I'm flying free
To those who'd ground me; Take a message back from me
Tell them how I am---Defying gravity 

Okay, so I know this song is cliche--but somehow sitting there--after all that I had walked over the last year--it seemed appropriate. Of course, I envisioned myself flying above the world--just like the smokescreen of a Broadway show--but really--I just got the point--it was time. It was all about me and Jesus and really no one else. It reminded me of the moment I met him face to face--driving down Veteran Avenue in Century City--when He said--"you know I love you--in all your brokenness--and if you could just breathe for a minute and forget all that you think you have to prove, you would know just how much I love you and because you belong to me, you'll rock this world--and defy a little gravity in the mean time." 

Okay, so He didn't say it quite like that, but for that moment, I sensed He wanted me (didn't need me but wanted me) to be His hands and His feet and that meant I was going to fly.

Fly--Sweet Dragonfly--Fly.


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