
Briggs is certainly coming into his own. Yesterday morning we stayed home from church because of dripping noses and hacking coughs. We were all on the floor playing with Rescue Heroes and puzzles when I noticed a strong smell coming from one of my children.

"Okay, I smell poop. Which one of you has poop?" Briggs is still in diapers. Max does use the bathroom, but sometimes has trouble making it there in time, so it really was up for grabs. Briggs looked right at me and said, "Axies!" which is his pronunciation for Max and then continued with his playing.

Max responded with, "No, Briggs. I don't have poop. You do," and giggled under his breath. I did everything not to laugh and, of course, I wanted to make sure I heard correctly, so I asked again. Same answer! Then a pause. And then a "Me, poop."

Even at almost two, he's got it all figured out.


Anonymous said…
In comes original sin, :-) , but a sweet sinner.


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