
A Couple Cowboys

Birthday Presents from Gran-nan and Aunt Linny Originally uploaded by smaynor With much extended family in Texas, I guess it was inevitable that we'd attain a couple cowboy hats.


Lillian Originally uploaded by smaynor My beautiful niece.

B, M, and G

three cool studs Originally uploaded by smaynor Both B and G want to be like M. I often wonder if M realizes the power he has.

Happy Birthday

Cardinals Day and B's 4th birthday Originally uploaded by smaynor Just a little late. Briggs on his 4th birthday, which just happened to be Cardinal Day at school.


M likes to button the top button on all his polos. I asked him why. "Because it's cozy."

A Little Prayer

B: "Thank you, Jesus, for the universe and for the world. And thank you for the jungles and the oceans. And thank you for our world. And thank you for our houses. And thank you for kitchens and for food we eat. And thank you for stores and the boxes. Amen."

Walk Like A Man

I recently saw Jersey Boys at the Fox Theatre. Wow. An amazing performance. So many songs. I came home and immediately downloaded the greatest hits. Of course, my children have now been introduced to Frankie Valli and "Walk Like A Man." Every time the song comes on, they start marching around singing it. So, so cute.