
Fall fun

Fall fun Originally uploaded by smaynor Check out the eyes.


Cousins Originally uploaded by smaynor Such hams.


B's prayer this evening: With his hands clasped and his eyes squeezed shut, he prayed with such enthusiasm: "Tank you, Jesus, foh pasta, and foh beans, and foh salad, and foh ouwr fork. And tank you foh ouwr family. And for ouwr daddy. And that when we are old we will die and go to heaven and be with daddy. Amen."

Scary Dragon

Scary Dragon Originally uploaded by smaynor B was all about being a scary dragon. And he loved telling jokes to the neighbors. His favorite was about a pumpkin that chased a cupcake. M and I weren't sure where the punchline was, but B would crack up everytime he finished telling it.

The Detective

The Detective Originally uploaded by smaynor M wanted to be a detective for Halloween. The jacket, tie, and hat came from our small collection of Brian's clothes. He looked so, so handsome!

Pumpkin Fun

Pumpkin Fun Originally uploaded by smaynor We carved our first pumpkins this past weekend.

A Writer

During the last month, M has found his love of writing and carries around a spiral and pencil most of the time. Yesterday I said, "Are you going to be a writer like your daddy?" He replied, "I'm already a writer like my daddy!" and he ran off to write.