
Petting the snow puppy

Petting the snow puppy Originally uploaded by Maynor . There was not enough snow for a man this weekend. (although stay tuned, because there is enough tonight)

M'Cathewine, Bigs, and Ooolie

M'Cathewine, Bigs, and Ooolie Originally uploaded by Maynor . That pretty much captures their personalities.

Snow angels

Snow angels Originally uploaded by Maynor . M & Cuz L.

A new friend with a lot of stuff, apparently.

Susan teaches in the afternoon,and so the boys go to Nana's or to their friends C&K's house. Tuesday is C&K day. This morning, before going over to C&K's, Susan and the boys are heading out for some errands--to the Library for books, to Sam's for bulk items, to the Bank for some jack. We talked through all of those errands with M and he couldn't wait. Later, during breakfast, I said.... Daddy: Hey, today is Tuesday! Whose house are you going to visit? M: Ummmm ... (he thought hard) ... Sam's!

He said "These are Daddy's favorites"

M brought me toys this morning and told me I could take them to work. I told him no thanks, that he should keep them at home. So I opened up my lunch bag just now and there are the three Hotwheels cars. I love that kid.

Loyal readers have seen this before, I know.

Bandaid close up Originally uploaded by Maynor . I know I've posted this before, but it's cracking me up again. He wore this an entire afternoon, all night, and all morning the next day because he said he bumped his nose. Now Uncle Peter has given him a fake rubber gash, which M couldn't find this morning apparently. As soon as I walked in the door this afternoon, he asked me if I'd taken it to work. He was disappointed when I told him no--he was sure I had.

G-daddy and Hunna

M looked at a picture of my parents this week and said, "Those are my fwiends."