
Daddy and B. Self Portrait

Daddy and B. Self Portrait Originally uploaded by Maynor . This is our Tribute to Demi Moore's Love Life. I'm sporting the Ashton Kucher haircut, and B. is modeling the Bruce Willis 'do.

Swinging for the upper decks

Whenever Ace and I play tee-ball in the backyard, and I'm fielding, he refuses to even swing at the ball unless I'm standing a good 30 feet away. If I'm not far enough back, he'll march out to the outfield, find the exact spot to which he plans to hit it, point at the ground and say "Daddy stand here." He then trudges the 30 feet back to the tee, swings the bat, and hits it a good yard or so.

Number 2 (not the kid)

We put particularly stinky diapers in plastic grocery bags and set them next to the front door. I also put my lunch in a plastic grocery bag and set it next to the front door. I know what you're thinking, but I did not sit down for lunch last week, smacking my lips, and open a bag full of dirty diapers. You've been watching too many sitcoms. But a pre-coffee Maynor did pick up both bags last week and head to work. When I parked my car at work, I noticed that I had two bags and realized one was full of healthy treats and a sandwich, and the other was full of poo. Again I should mention that I had not had any coffee yet, and that it was 7:00 am, for pete's sake. Which should explain a little bit why I was so stymied by the decision that lay ahead of me. Namely, would it be better to walk into work carrying a stinky diaper bag and risk passing a Publisher or a VP who might conclude that I had a personal hygiene problem--or at the very least some digestive issues? Or

See you next weekend

M & M Originally uploaded by Maynor . At the end of a long afternoon of playing in the sand and riding in the wagon, it's time to say goodbye and go inside for dinner and a bath. M's huggable friend is one of Neighbor Jack's many great grandkids. If you ask Jack for the name of a grandkid, he says "Don't be asking me all those questions." Thankfully, most of them are old enough to introduce themselves. Most of them are also old enough to know that Jack will let them take the wagon all the way up to the tip-top of the backyard hill, but they have to do it when their mothers are otherwise engaged.

Enter Puppet #1

painting puppte theatre Originally uploaded by Maynor . Last week we made a big green puppet theater. Best Friend CP came over later and the two boys entertained us with many, many shows. Most shows were interpretations of the following script: Puppet #1: Hello Puppet #2: Hello Unison: Abcdefgh ijklmnop qrstuv wxyz I know my ABCs, next time won't you sing with me. Puppets tackle each other. Exuent.


sab-bath Originally uploaded by Maynor . The Sunday bath.

Asleep after bath

Asleep after bath Originally uploaded by Maynor .