
Showing posts from April, 2007

More Piggies

S: B, what do you want for your birthday? B: A real pig. S: (Gulp) Where would we go find a real pig? B: A farm. S: Where would we keep the pig? B: Outside. He's got it all figured out.

A Chair and An Escalator

As I've walked into spring, I am more and more convicted of how selfish I really am. And how much I want to sculpt my life into the sculpture of my own choosing and my own design rather than my Father's. I often find myself behind the potter's wheel, trying to mold and shape my plans and desires and wants, but it usually ends up nothing but a clump of clay. This past Sunday I sat in a very crowded Easter service at my church. I enjoyed seeing friends and hearing the message, but I was most moved by a simple gesture that I witnessed. A friend I have known and admired for years was in town visiting his family for the holiday. At some point in the service, the pastor instructed us to greet one another, and as I stood behind my friend, I saw him stand and look around at all the people who didn't have seats. He picked up his chair and walked to the back of the auditorium and gave his chair to a young mother and her baby who had been standing in the back. I thought ab...