This week represents cycle #2 of chemo. SO far, so good. Yesterday I was infused with adriamycin over 24 hours, and tomorrow is taxol. Steroids and super nausea drugs help out this week, and we've also got new strategies for the next few weeks. Last cycle I crashed pretty hard for the twwo weeks following treatment, partly due to dehydration and lack of nutrition. This time, we're starting with TPN tomorrow, which is intravenous nutrition and fluids. It's about a 10-12 hour infusion, I think, that I'll do overnight. That will take some of the pressure off eating, and will help me stop losing weight. I'll also get steroids twice a week on the off weeks. It's not good to take them constantly, but this regimen should help out with energy and appettite without doing harm. These are both things that we prayed about and were ready to argue for, and the doctor brought them up himself. He was very open to our concerns on Monday. So we're optimistic about my response...