Health Update
Let's see....I'm still recovering from the lung damage caused by pneumonia. I'm finished with the antibiotics (thank goodness--I was tired of hooking up an IV five times a day!), but I'm still dealing with some coughing and shortness of breath, combined with weakness and fatigue. But I'm moving around a little more each day. I start a new chemo regimen on Tuesday. We visited the doctor this week, and he thought we should avoid the original drug. There were some liver issues, along with the fact that the cancer has progressed a bit. So the new regimen includes the drugs Adriamycin and Taxol, and should be a little more toxic than the original drug, but I've got heavy duty nausea drugs ($100 per pill!! paid for by insurance) and should deal mainly with fatigue. I'm tired of fatigue. I'll also lose my hair in a couple weeks, which should be an odd experience. SEND HATS. I could use this time to purchase some wigs and try out different hairstyles. See if I w...