
Showing posts from March, 2006

I Love You When....

Today M. asked me, "Mommy, do you love me when I get dressed myself, like I did this morning?" "Buddy, I love you ALL the time. I love you when you get dressed; I love you when you play with your toys; I love you when you play outside. I even love you when you get in trouble for hitting Briggs. I love you always and forever, no matter what." Max thoughtfully absorbed my response, took a minute and then piped up, "Mommy, I love you when you spank me and I love you when you tell me my time out is over. Mommy, I love you when you play with me and fix me something to drink. I love you when you help me pick up my toys." And we went back and forth with lots of "I love you when's," and I couldn't stop hugging and kissing my son all morning.

First Anniversary

As I approach this first anniversary of Brian's diagnosis, I am amazed at what a year can be. I used to think at some point life would slow down a little; we would be able to take a deep breath and relax. Our first year of marriage, Brian and I directed two shows, started a new job, and rehabbed a kitchen. The next year I started grad school, and subsequent years brought babies, another new job, another new house, another rehab and then cancer. I guess for the Maynors, we will breath and relax in heaven, because it doesn't seem to slow down much on this earth.


Briggs is certainly coming into his own. Yesterday morning we stayed home from church because of dripping noses and hacking coughs. We were all on the floor playing with Rescue Heroes and puzzles when I noticed a strong smell coming from one of my children. "Okay, I smell poop. Which one of you has poop?" Briggs is still in diapers. Max does use the bathroom, but sometimes has trouble making it there in time, so it really was up for grabs. Briggs looked right at me and said, "Axies!" which is his pronunciation for Max and then continued with his playing. Max responded with, "No, Briggs. I don't have poop. You do," and giggled under his breath. I did everything not to laugh and, of course, I wanted to make sure I heard correctly, so I asked again. Same answer! Then a pause. And then a "Me, poop." Even at almost two, he's got it all figured out.


The other day we were outside (it was 77 degrees), and Max announced he had to use the bathroom. "Mommy, can I go pee in the grass?" he asked as he danced around holding a rake. "No, baby, you need to go inside and use the bathroom." "But before Daddy went to heaven, he said I could go pee in the grass." And how should I answer that?