M has been working on counting. The development has proceeded approximately in the following manner:
1. Doo, Fee, Door, Ive, Dix, Sebben (not always in this order)
2. Doo, Fee, Door, Dive, Dix, Sebben, Eight, Nen.
(at this point, alphabet memorization and numbers converged)
3. Two, Fee, Door, Dive, Double-u, X, Y, Z
4. Two, Fee, Door, Dive, Dix,
Double-Eight, Nine, Den.
5. Own, Two, Fee, Door, Dive, Dix, Double-Eight,
Nine, Den.
(Notice the addition of One here. His counting was one digit off up until this point because he would start with Two. So he would count six garden steps instead of five, for instance. We stuck with double-eight, nine, ten in various forms for a while, and it should be noted that there were times when he got all the way through 1-10 in the way generally accepted by the Arabic-numeral-using world).
6. Own Two, Dee, Door, Sebben, Eight, Nine, Den.
(Here’s where we are most of the time now. Double-u and Double-eight have departed, but wit...