
Herod, the Bad Guy

Max asked me today if Herod went to Heaven. After the correct theological response, which included why Daddy is in Heaven with Jesus, Max then asked, "Is Daddy everywhere the way God is?" I'm continually amazed at his thoughtfulness.


B's new favorite word is "cool." If he likes something, most often a picture or a toy or something concrete, he'll say, "cool, Mommy." By the time he hits high school, that word will be back in style.

Deja Vu with a Chill

I've lived in St. Louis on and off for many years. I've perspired in the heat of summer, and I've bundled up in the dead of winter, but I've never lost power for an entire week. And the funny thing is I've now done it twice in six months. Crazy. I'm actually rather addicted to electricity - the hum of a fan, the beat of a song, the ding of a microwave. There always seems to be a buzz of sorts when the lights are on, almost a feeling of constant companionship. But when they are off, it gets insanely quiet. Almost too quiet. And suddenly you feel alone. Or should I say, I feel alone. As I've experienced this quietness, I've thought about how much we need electricity. We need it so desperately, all the time, to give us most of what we need in a day - light to read, food to eat, hot water to bathe, and heat to keep warm. But we take it for granted. We forget how much we rely on it because it is always there, giving to us. And so when it disappea

A New Name

M. asked me today if we get a new name in Heaven. He requested that he get to keep his.

Something Beautiful

Yesterday, my mom came over to watch my children for an hour so that I could QUICKLY run to Trader Joe's for Thanksgiving supplies. M and B are great at the store, but it does take us twice as long. As I arrived home, I saw two men mowing my lawn. And then one more showed up. I did everything not to burst into tears as I saw these men serve their God and their sister on this crazy week of Thanksgiving. M immediately found his "lawn mower" and went up on our back hill and ran from side to side as our friend mowed the back. I loved how big he wanted to be, how helpful he wanted to be, and how hard he wanted to work. And I was overwhelmed by the blessing of these men. But, really, as I write this, so much of this was watching the Spirit move in His people, including me. The last couple of months, my lawn has been somewhat a challenge for me. I would do what I could and then pray how to solve the challenge. But over the last couple of weeks, I've seen God work

One Big Year

A whole year has passed since I said good-bye to Brian and so much has happened. Volumes. It has been a year full of grace and mercy, of brokenness and forgiveness, of sorrow and delight, of pain and healing. I never thought I would be where I am at this moment, breathing easier than I have in months, knowing that my God is good and perfect and everfaithful. I've thought of Brian so much over these last days, remembering his gentle ways, his quiet humor, and his sweet spirit. He taught me so much about love and patience and kindness and goodness. He taught me about perseverance and loyalty. He made sure I didn't take myself too seriously. He listened and loved. A couple of weeks ago, I got a flat tire. I don't know anything about flat tires. I've had them before, but I would always call my brother, my dad, or my husband. Well, my brother lives in California and my dad and my husband live in Heaven, so none of those men was an option. And, really, I've

My other three children

PB015090 Originally uploaded by smaynor . As Briggs was reading, his precious piggies listened intently.