
Showing posts from May, 2011

The Lonely Cat

Briggs' published story from the winter---this was written on his own, not for school.....I think the last line is one of my very favorites ever. The Lonely Cat By Briggs Maynor Once there was a lonely cat. He had no mom and dad.  And he had no Home. Nobody wanted him. He was so cute. I love him. But he had a basket that he snuggled in and he had a stuffed animal. And he had a baby that was so cute. I wish I could have him. The Next day I got him!! I adopted him! I was so happy I could hardly breath.  The End. Published Date--December 2010

Fairy Tale Revisited

Writers write from what they know.... Max Maynor #9 31 March 2010 The Brave Dragon          Once upon a time in England during the Middle Ages, there was a brave dragon named Briggs.   He lived in a castle with a prince named Max and a princess named Carsyn. Prince Max and Princess Carsyn were in love. They were happy because they were friends and liked to play with each other.   Their brave pet dragon Briggs always kept them company. The castle was near a forest and there was a dwarf named Susan who used to live in the forest but now lived in the castle for her protection from the evil king’s army.          One day Princess Carsyn was on a horse ride in the forest and the evil king Todd jumped out from behind a tree and kidnapped her. He took her to the evil castle on the other side of the forest. When Prince Max found out she had been kidnapped, he snuck through the forest to the other side...