
Showing posts from November, 2008

first day of school

first day of school Originally uploaded by smaynor A little late. First day of school for M and B. First grade, full day. JK, three full days. Rock star brothers.

My Scarecrow and Tin Man

IMG_4128 Originally uploaded by smaynor Halloween fun. Fire Pit. Turkey Dogs. Costumes. S'mores. Candy. Fellowship.

Another Year in Heaven

This past Friday, November 7th, marked the three year anniversary of Brian's Homecoming. And my family is together, happy and healthy. What a testament to my Father, whose promises are faithful and true, and to His perfection and plan for a life that seems chaotic and scary. This year I experienced peace. Deep breathing peace. Yes, I miss Brian, probably always will, but it doesn't ache so intensely anymore. It's restful and quiet, a graceful tugging every now and then on my heart, not an iron grip, squeezing tirelessly. As I reflect on the past three years, I see just how big of a mess I was. To those first months when life felt like Tom's Twister. Focus, breathe, take a step forward, wait I'm dizzy. To the first year, then the second, when reality stampeded over my life, and I did everything to avoid broken bones. To today, the beginnings of the fourth year without my sweet Brian, when I'm hopeful for new beginnings and new endeavors. Life is but a...

Spatial thinking

milky way galaxy Originally uploaded by smaynor One afternoon this fall, M designed his own version of the Milky Way galaxy. What you can't see are Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto. They are in the bottom right part of the patio, just a little too much out of my range for the photo. What surprised me was that he knew all the planets and in order. Love my spatial/visual child.