I find this whole blog thing fascinating yet absolutely terrifying. When Brian started this years ago, it made sense to me. A writer, a techie of sorts, sure write a blog. The man didn't say much, but he sure could create a symphony (he'd probably say a folk song or two) on paper. Me, I'm more of a comic book type, with bubbles and characters and shallow, incomprehensible thoughts. I'm more of talker, as many of my friends will attest. At first, I was okay with it, write on the blog, for those far away, for those close by, stories of the boys, stories of your faith, anything that came to mind to share. But as the years have moved forward, I find it more and more challenging to really write anything of consequence. Maybe it's the last weeks, as I've faced fear after fear and realized how crippled I really am. Shouldn't I just write of God's glory? Of His beauty? Of His perfection? I recently thought to myself, "if I only read my Bible an...