Lest you think, dear reader, that M&B are perfect little angels, I'll clear that up for you right now. M has been pushing every button he can, stretching every rule, and sometimes openly defying mommy and daddy. We've had a rough week. Yesterday, for example, our friend Amy was taking care of the kiddos while I was in the back room. M threw a fit when she told him he couldn't throw the pillows off the couch (a rule with which he is already familiar). I took over for a couple minutes as the heavy, but as soon as we went back to the living room, he walked straight over and pulled off the pillows again. He and I went back to his room for a few minutes and he seemed okay, but when we walked back to the front room, he blocked the door so I couldn't enter: M: Daddy, please leave the living room. D: Do you want me to leave so that you can disobey Amy? M: Um, Yes. Later, during his "nap," he took a poster out of its frame (a big, very old, very cool Los Angeles po...